LIC biggest mistake in Stock Market to choose these company : –

Top 10 company stock where LIC Stock Market is loosing money of shareholders and public and these company has filed or in Que to filled the bankruptcy with NCLT .
Due to poor Investment underwriting standards (Debt & Equity Investment) compare to Private MFs / Pvt Banks because
1. Corruption
2. Political pressure
3. No Proactive NPA recognition like a bank / MF.
4. Poor Quality of Insurance Regulator IRDA.
5. No Proper disclosure of Investment Fact sheet on monthly Market Value basis.
Today, LIC may have 15% to 25% NPA but NO one ( Regulator / Finance Ministry) wants to discuss / take proactive actions to avoid may be India’s biggest scam
( NPA may be size of Rs. 5 lakh Crore).