Hero Moto Corp – Gurgaon Seminar on -Investment Awareness

SEBI’S Seminar in Hero Moto Corp, Gurgaon on “Alternatives of Investment for Investors”
Seminar Title : ” Alternatives of Investment for Investors ”
Key Speaker : Sushil Alewa from ISFM – Gurgaon
Key Speaker : Mr. Devinder Singh from – UTI MF
Audience : Managers, Sr. Manager, Dept. Heads
Venue : Hero Moto Corp, Sec -34, Gurgaon, Haryana
Note : To get the advance ppt on Mutual Fund analysis and Myth kindly find the link below this post :-
SEBI organize a session in Hero Moto Corp Gurgaon, Haryana on “Alternatives of Investment for Investors”.
Mr. Sushil Alewa from ISFM, Stock Market School Gurgaon has clear all the myth about the securities market and explain how to start investment from a little amount of the money in life. Mr. Devinder Singh from UTI mutual fund explain importance of the mutual fund in our life and how we can get big return using little SIP in life. Audience show enthusiasm to start the investment but also explain how difficulties they are facing in life during starting of investment without knowledge.
Everyone thanks to SEBI for such kind of informative session.