What is Technical Analysis?

Technical Analysis is the forecasting of future price movements based on an analysis of past price movements of the various securities. Technical analysis can help investors anticipate what is “likely” to happen to stock prices over time, and how to manage portfolio using market trend. Best entry and exit point in different kind of securities like Equity, Commodity, Currency and F & O market.
ISFM provide Technical Analysis Training in Sonipat which help them to right time entry and exit in the market. We trained the investor / Trader by using latest tools & techniques in live market. Technical analysis course in Sonipat design by professional trader in a simple way where non finance background person also can understand complexities of the stock market.
We are having edge in technical analysis course in Sonipat & have trained more than 6000 participants since 2014. Our core strength is practical exposure in live market and latest tool kit. We provide same tool kit to our students that are using by our trainer so the knowledge gap between students and faculty can be reduce.
Major Content :
- Technical Analysis and its features.
- Basic charting methods and its patterns.
- Types of Technical Indicators.
- Advance rules of technical analysis for Trading.
- Deep study of technical indicators like – RSI, MACD, ADX, Super Trend, Fibonacci, Bollinger and many more.
- Moving average and its effective use in buying and selling.
- How to use stop loss order using technical indicators.
- Trend confirmation and reversal signal by using chart.
- Candlestick Chart pattern and its effective uses
- Dow Theory and its relevance
- Eliot Wave Theory and implementation
- Limitation of technical analysis.